Our Stockists

New Zealand


Baby HQ, Howick, Auckland

Smith and Caughey's Queen Street Auckland

Narrativ, Te Awamutu

Babe, Bump & Beyond, Wellington

Caro with Love Mangawhai


Little Mash Boutique Baby Clothing & Accessories NZ – Little Mash Boutique

Acorn & Oak Toys Canopies Bedding Wall Decor | Acorn & Oak – Acorn + Oak Children’s Boutique (acornandoak.co.nz)

Little Reef and Friends Children's Boutique NZ - Buy Baby Essentials | Little Reef and Friends 

If you are interested in stocking Dear Mumma please contact Alicia hello@dearmumma.co.nz

You can also buy Dear Mumma wholesale online through Peeba. See below link.