The Motherhood Q & A - Renata Lardelli

The Motherhood Q & A - Renata Lardelli

Name: Renata Lardelli, most people call me Ren

Mumma to: Eli - 13, Sebastian 7 + Xavier 6

Go to family meal: Mexican Mince - quick, easy, delicious + always does us for two nights which is an incredible win. Nachos one night + wraps, quesadillas or baked potatoes the next

On my bedside table: a bottle of iced water, eye mask + my kindle

I’m reading: I have a few books on the go - Girls that Invest, The Midnight Library + I’ve been reading Colleen Hoover [who hasn’t]?!

I’m watching: I love a good series binge, the 6am news in the background while I get ready in the morning + Grey’s Anatomy… I won’t quit until it quits. 

Favourite place in the world: A tiny little place called Anaura Bay about 1 hour from Gisborne. Jeremy [my husband] first took me there when we were dating + I fell in love with him + Anaura Bay. His family has a beach house there that we get to enjoy, it's impossible not to come away feeling zen.

Best advice you could give to expectant mums: Spend as much time learning about the 4th trimester as you do pregnancy + birth, it’ll enhance your introduction to motherhood - you’ll be so grateful you invested the time + energy, PROMISE!

How do you juggle mum life and running your own businesses + jobs: It is very hard but I don’t do it alone + that’s the key. Jeremy + I parent equally, he keeps me steady when I get wobbly + together we work through parenting + business challenges as they pop up. On a practical level I try to do the following to keep an even keel;

  • Have a colour coded family calendar - organisation is crucial
  • I set reminders for EVERYTHING, I find it hard to remember things without one
  • Have 1 free day a week to do what I want
  • Have lunch with Jeremy once a week
  • Get 8 hours sleep

Favourite piece from the Dear Mumma Collection: I’m loving the Oatmeal pieces especially the Lola Robe, every mum should have a luxe robe. Confession: I’m known for coming home from work throwing on my robe + then cooking dinner… cosy!

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